Co-vid has been really bad. If humans made Co-vid happen, those humans did a bad thing. If those humans did it on purpose to make money, they are among the worst abusers of power. The damage from Co-vid includes anti-social humans, vaccination fearing, businesses ruined, people dead and just massive complete disruption on almost every […]
Creation Blog Posts
Tesla + Samsung Sitting in a Tree
Today we get an announcement that Samsung will provide cameras for Cybertruck. Whether that is true or not, it is true that a relationship exists between Tesla and Samsung that exemplifies trust at the highest level. At Tesla Autonomy Day when asked where are you fabbing the FSD computer? Elon shrugged as though it wasn’t […]
Cybertruck Services

Gimp File: cybertruck-services-night.xcf
Check Cap – Is it safe?
Probably. Would a company in Isreal go to the extent of creating a hazardous colon pill? Unlikely IMO. It would make much more sense that some great researchers have banded together over many years… …to make a product that can truly help people. I have never seen a stock so beaten down with so much […] Perfect Page Speed Score
You pretty much have to strip the page completely down to get a score like this. I will try to keep the page speed high, but it won’t be staying at 100. For reference, this is Tesla: Difference being, they load tons of assets and I am a single php document that loads in 26ms. […]
Many things about this project are in common with the idea for So please read that first. is another idea which can benefit Tesla owners. But it is quite a bit more forward thinking than As Elon says – “the best part is no part. The best process is no process.” […]
Mission: To provide Cybertruck owners with more reasons to drive their Cybertrucks and make some money. Technology: I think we go with PHP because @MFrunker @CodingMark, @MoeSalih_ have PHP skills (as do I) and these guys would be fun to work with. Tesla’s PHP jobs are mostly Drupal and Slim Framework. So I expect […]
Delivered by Tesla
I have an idea for a platform which I believe could distrupt Amazon and create a SuperCharger buying frenzy. If this platform has already been thought of, I would love a chance to join the team. How to disrupt Amazon? Deliver more things better than Amazon. What we have today:If you buy from Amazon, you […]
Old Greensock Animations
I believe I did this Twinkle animation when my daughter was very young some years ago. I remember it took me dozens of hours. I dissected an old Python phonics parser and used the deprecated UI to create a config file to line up the words with parts of the song. With the config […]