This song is dedicated to Shawn Gervais who also supplied vocals. Your browser does not support the audio element.
This song is dedicated to Shawn Gervais who also supplied vocals. Your browser does not support the audio element.
If you are new to 3D printing (like me) a great way to practice is to find something very small. The smaller the better. I broke my nose piece. That sucks. Do I solder it back on? Nah, I’m going to 3D print a new one. So I made this SVG: And then iterated in […]
So I created a Roblox game. I added a gun. The gun works quite well. It shoots people and kills them just like a gun should do. When I shoot my gun, I hear it just fine. But when others shoot me in the game, I don’t hear them. My guns sounds don’t appear to […]
I wanted to create a Roblox game. It was coming along slowly. I insist on developing in Linux which means I had to Wine Roblox Studio. After working several days, I was dissappointed with my progress. The game was to captue a flag and bring it to the top of an obby. First person shooter. […]
Music videos tell a story through art. Whether it is the lyrics themselves or the visual imagery, humans can connect with music videos emotionally. First Principles Problem A music video is a sequence of frames synchronized to some minutes and seconds of audio. Assuming a music video could be instantly created by a nerual net, […]
Certainly! Here are ten examples of underserved business plans that could benefit from a path of disruption through continuous engineering improvements: Affordable renewable energy solutions for developing countries Sustainable and eco-friendly packaging for food and consumer goods Autonomous vehicles for public transportation and ride-sharing services Low-cost and sustainable housing solutions for low-income families Electric and […]
This is totally useless. It immediately takes a picture of the window. Which is Gimp. The “Select a region to grab” option would be a better default.