If you look at the advantages Tesla has over other companies: Vertical Integration Charging Network FSD Hardware FSD Software OS Body Casting/Wiring + other patents Insurance business Data (miles on autopilot) Exponential Growth Rate Factory Design Battery Technology Engineering/Other Top talent Service Centres Mobile Service Sentry Mode/Fart Mode/*Mode* Purchase via website Social Media Following Brand […]
Creation Blog Posts
Third Row Speech Bubble Meme
Have fun making your own with: Third Row Speech Bubble Meme
My Tesla Nickel Deal
I will travel to every bank and ask for all their nickels. Then drive them to you one Model 3 load at a time. Yours truly, Jeff Sturgis P.S. Can I work for you as a developer?
Why do I not use a Virtual Machine from my local box?
The first place I worked, iSTORM didn’t use virtual machines. They had a staging server and a production server. We developed on the staging server and used CVS to synchronize code into production. Later on in my career there was a project where part of the consistent environment setup is everybody using the same virtual […]
Cool, Well Done Site
Herbert Diess for Tesla?
Tesla will have to have Berlin managers. I wonder if he is a good guy?
Hooking Price Filters into Product Search Engine
As a user, I want to be able to search “cheap tape” or “expensive tape” and have the outcome bring to to relevant filtered results. Or even “cheap scotch tape” Bear in mind, the “Adhesive Tape” category isn’t that sexy. This would make better use cases for “cheap laptop” or “high-end computer chair” or other […]
The Making of a Slider
This blog is about this slider. First a little back story. This is a price filter. But in order for a price filter to work, you need to have products and prices which were feats in and of themselves. These prices come from competing distributors such that best prices are always calculated from the cheapest […]
Let Alex Guberman Write the Questions to be posed Between Two Ferns
I first became aware of Alex Guberman’s YouTube Channel E for Electric at the Semi unveil. His live stream was actually better than Tesla’s which was seemingly having load issues. On numerous occasions, Alex has criticised Elon’s interviewers for not asking tougher questions. Recently Alex made mention that Elon only interviews with Fanboys. And with […]