In 2008, two of my co-workers were talking at the desk next to me at the office. I respected both of these people. They were both great hard workers that I helped and helped me back succeeding and growing the company we were working for. I was pretty alarmed that they both knew of this […]
Speculation Blog Posts
What are we going to do when the machines are better than us at everything?
Pace of AI has been insane. Humans have challenges. Health, alertness, impairment, dietary needs, bathroom breaks, repetitive strain injuries etc. Robots just go as long as the electrons flow. But what about the mind? Certainly, we will be more creative than the robots, right? Nope. Not only can a program generate art in seconds (what […]
Is Tesla building a fleet?
If you look at Tesla’s quarterly numbers, lately you can see that lately, the gap between production and deliveries is widening. Undelivered cars are increasing. There have been explanations for this. ie: The cars are en route to customers, there aren’t enough ships to transport them all. The end-of-quarter push no longer makes sense. Perhaps, […]
Tesla Stock Prediction 2023-03-21
In [483]: # This Python 3 environment comes with many helpful analytics libraries installed # It is defined by the kaggle/python Docker image: # For example, here’s several helpful packages to load import numpy as np # linear algebra import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv) # Input data files […]
Training Tesla Stock
Credit to Rodolfo Saldanha’s Stock Price Prediction with PyTorch. I just changed this from Amazon to Tesla. In [2]: # This Python 3 environment comes with many helpful analytics libraries installed # It is defined by the kaggle/python Docker image: # For example, here’s several helpful packages to load import numpy as np # linear […]
Tesla Full Self Driving
Currently it costs in the USA ~ $684/mo to drive 1000 miles with FSD subscription, insurance and energy costs. This works out to $0.684(0.69)/mile. How odd. Most cars sit around doing not that much, most of the time. As you decrease the number $684, you broaden the available market. Even starting with a couple buying […]
Water-Free LASER Cleaned Vacuum Toilet
Now that Tesla has secured the patent for LASER cleaning windshield, why not apply this technology to a Cybertoilet? LASER Bidet sold separately.
Robo Abuse
I feel I am a pretty ethical human. Don’t murder, don’t abuse, don’t steal, don’t exploit other humans etc. But the same rules don’t apply with technology. I force my computer to run day and night, and I expect this of traffic lights, elevators etc. Robots already vaccum our floors, and will soon drive us […]
Tesla + Samsung Sitting in a Tree
Today we get an announcement that Samsung will provide cameras for Cybertruck. Whether that is true or not, it is true that a relationship exists between Tesla and Samsung that exemplifies trust at the highest level. At Tesla Autonomy Day when asked where are you fabbing the FSD computer? Elon shrugged as though it wasn’t […]