Just thinking about the way I like to work and why. Standards. Honestly, I grew up a bit messy. I left my toys laying around and would need to be told to pick them up. I try to follow existing naming conventions. But if a project has other conventions, I will follow what I think […]
Blog Posts
Tesla Disruption
One point of interest for Tesla is their projected YoY growth rate. Elon Musk has stated 40-50% YoY. Some analysts will point out that Tesla is unlikely to be the > 50% main player because 0% of anybody has ever been the main player for any length of time that would matter. In 2018 ~80M […]
Old Greensock Animations
I believe I did this Twinkle animation when my daughter was very young some years ago. https://develevation.com/animations/twinkle/ I remember it took me dozens of hours. I dissected an old Python phonics parser and used the deprecated UI to create a config file to line up the words with parts of the song. With the config […]
Starlink potential
The Starlink license agreement could be hugely impactful to civilization. Consider the possibilities. If SpaceX decides to distribute satellites at a complete loss and privileges selected few with the dishes themselves it can remove the right to exclusivity. This would open access to the receiver to anybody who is within range of the receiver who […]
More Tesla Battery Savings – Margin
LG Chem, CATL and Panasonic make batteries for Tesla. On battery day Elon and Drew pointed out many cost reductions with regards to cell production cost. They spoke about bringing down their dollar cost average. But these other manufacturers are not selling Tesla cells at cost. There is a margin on top. Tesla would be […]
Tesla Loses Money on Every Car They Sell
No they don’t. Where did this argument come from? Well, you have to look at the company’s balance sheet. Then you have to explicitly ignore the line item “Automotive gross margin”. Gross margin is a company’s net sales revenue minus its cost of goods sold (COGS). In other words, it is the sales revenue a company […]
Driving.ca David Booth Doesn’t Know Much About Tesla
Motor Mouth: Tesla’s real business model needs a reality check David Booth is a nincompoop. He attempts to spread fear and uncertainty with unsubstantiated claims. He neglects to do simple math and makes worst case assumptions at every turn. First David, to answer your question “did we ever see that $35,000 Tesla Model 3 we […]
Dev CEO’s
It's not an accident that Elon, Zuck, Bezos, Gates, Sergi, Larry Page & Elison are all developers. When a Dev runs the co. they tend to have a great handle on where things are, and when things can be achieved. The further away you move from that, the more *hope* plays a factor. — DevElevation […]