You pretty much have to strip the page completely down to get a score like this. I will try to keep the page speed high, but it won’t be staying at 100. For reference, this is Tesla: Difference being, they load tons of assets and I am a single php document that loads in 26ms. […]
Code Fun Blog Posts
Kudos to Weglot
I love getting errors like this that tell you exactly what is wrong. Great job Weglot!
Delivered by Tesla
I have an idea for a platform which I believe could distrupt Amazon and create a SuperCharger buying frenzy. If this platform has already been thought of, I would love a chance to join the team. How to disrupt Amazon? Deliver more things better than Amazon. What we have today:If you buy from Amazon, you […]
Caching Optimization
I do hold the philosophy that the best cache is no cache. But sometimes, caching is the exact right tool for the job. When it comes to user experience, one metric I hold in the highest regard is page load speed. I want my pages to load in the least amount of time possible and […]
One Field that Looked Very Right and Performed Very Wrong
isStock. That is the field. For each product distributor, they either have stock or they don’t. So it makes sense that one would store this field uniquely by distributor. And in a perfect world, it just might be. But this isn’t a perfect world and when you create such a field that impacts multiple dependencies […]
Old Greensock Animations
I believe I did this Twinkle animation when my daughter was very young some years ago. I remember it took me dozens of hours. I dissected an old Python phonics parser and used the deprecated UI to create a config file to line up the words with parts of the song. With the config […]
Drawing a Graph
Taken from: var F = function(x) { return Math.pow(90 *x, 1.5) ; } ; var G = function(x) { return Math.pow(12* x, 2.1) ; } ; var H = function(x) { return Math.pow(10 * x, 2.2) ; } ; var I = function(x) { return Math.pow(45*(0.4*x), 2) ; } ; Draw CANVAS NOT SUPPORTED […]
New Develevation Comment Section enabled by Twitter Project
The great thing about first principles is that it gives you the freedom to step back and say: Now how do I really want this to work? I want to incorporate into my blogs some sort of comment-ability. I also want this to post to Twitter with a direct call to action. I don’t see […]