August 14th, 2021

Co-vid has been really bad. If humans made Co-vid happen, those humans did a bad thing. If those humans did it on purpose to make money, they are among the worst abusers of power.

The damage from Co-vid includes anti-social humans, vaccination fearing, businesses ruined, people dead and just massive complete disruption on almost every level.

In short it created many victims.

If humans caused this, we should absolutely explore and prevent that from ever happening again.

I am not a virologist. I am a statistician. We generally seem off topic and we are often dismissed. But let's look at from a data stand point.

location = 'Wuhan China'
AND study_type = 'Gain of Function'
AND virus = 'Co-vid 19'
AND study_subtype = 'Transmissibility from Bats to Humans'

There is a massive difference between that query matching some results and no results at all.

What blows my mind, is that such a query could actually return a legitimate result. But it is my understanding that it absolutely could.

At least that is the claim made by Senator Rand Paul in the video above.

It is my understanding that the accusation agains Fauci is that he made my query come true. If my query above yielded 0 results it would be 0% probable as an outcome that this came from a lab. But if my query does yield actual results, then I would estimate a much higher than 50% probability this came from a lab. Statistically speaking.

It is my opinion that specificity of my query makes it exponentially high in terms of probability. If you replace any one of those queries with anything else, you would get 0 results. Except for maybe:

location = 'North Carolina'
AND study_type = 'Gain of Function'
AND virus = 'Co-vid 19'
AND study_subtype = 'Transmissibility from Bats to Humans'

So what about the vaccine? Is it a red herring? I think so. While the media tries to focus (and divide?) the population of whether or not to get the vaccine, the real importan question is - did humans cause this?

Based on Rand Paul's conviction in what he was stating, and that I think Fauci failed to defend himself. Fauci may be right. Maybe Rand Paul has made this whole thing up. In my opinion, again as a data analyst, I feel like that is less than likely. I could be mistaken though. Rand Paul may have me snowed and I am just reopening Fauci's "Case Closed" claim without proper justification.

This is a very interesting story. You can watch it evolve from:

To this:

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Software Developer always striving to be better. Learn from others' mistakes, learn by doing, fail fast, maximize productivity, and really think hard about good defaults. Computer developers have the power to add an entire infinite dimension with a single Int (or maybe BigInt). The least we can do with that power is be creative.