February 12th, 2025

Problem: I want to play 2 different instruments from my midi keyboard BUT! ...

My Midi doesn't support output to different channels in any sort of split style!

So I had Grok write a javascript page separating my keyboard below Middle C (Channel 3) and Middle C and up (Channel 4).


Now, I can choose whatever instruments in LMMS I want and set them to Channel 3 or Channel 4 so I can play two different instruments.

$100 Casio & LMMS FTW! Thanks Grok!

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Software Developer always striving to be better. Learn from others' mistakes, learn by doing, fail fast, maximize productivity, and really think hard about good defaults. Computer developers have the power to add an entire infinite dimension with a single Int (or maybe BigInt). The least we can do with that power is be creative.