April 24th, 2023

makemore: part 5

In [1]:
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for making figures
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# read in all the words
words = open('names.txt', 'r').read().splitlines()
print(max(len(w) for w in words))
['emma', 'olivia', 'ava', 'isabella', 'sophia', 'charlotte', 'mia', 'amelia']
In [3]:
# build the vocabulary of characters and mappings to/from integers
chars = sorted(list(set(''.join(words))))
stoi = {s:i+1 for i,s in enumerate(chars)}
stoi['.'] = 0
itos = {i:s for s,i in stoi.items()}
vocab_size = len(itos)
{1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd', 5: 'e', 6: 'f', 7: 'g', 8: 'h', 9: 'i', 10: 'j', 11: 'k', 12: 'l', 13: 'm', 14: 'n', 15: 'o', 16: 'p', 17: 'q', 18: 'r', 19: 's', 20: 't', 21: 'u', 22: 'v', 23: 'w', 24: 'x', 25: 'y', 26: 'z', 0: '.'}
In [4]:
# shuffle up the words
import random
In [5]:
# build the dataset
block_size = 8 # context length: how many characters do we take to predict the next one?

def build_dataset(words):  
  X, Y = [], []
  for w in words:
    context = [0] * block_size
    for ch in w + '.':
      ix = stoi[ch]
      context = context[1:] + [ix] # crop and append

  X = torch.tensor(X)
  Y = torch.tensor(Y)
  print(X.shape, Y.shape)
  return X, Y

n1 = int(0.8*len(words))
n2 = int(0.9*len(words))
Xtr,  Ytr  = build_dataset(words[:n1])     # 80%
Xdev, Ydev = build_dataset(words[n1:n2])   # 10%
Xte,  Yte  = build_dataset(words[n2:])     # 10%
torch.Size([182625, 8]) torch.Size([182625])
torch.Size([22655, 8]) torch.Size([22655])
torch.Size([22866, 8]) torch.Size([22866])
In [6]:
for x,y in zip(Xtr[:20], Ytr[:20]):
  print(''.join(itos[ix.item()] for ix in x), '-->', itos[y.item()])
........ --> y
.......y --> u
......yu --> h
.....yuh --> e
....yuhe --> n
...yuhen --> g
..yuheng --> .
........ --> d
.......d --> i
......di --> o
.....dio --> n
....dion --> d
...diond --> r
..diondr --> e
.diondre --> .
........ --> x
.......x --> a
......xa --> v
.....xav --> i
....xavi --> e
In [7]:
# Near copy paste of the layers we have developed in Part 3

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Linear:
  def __init__(self, fan_in, fan_out, bias=True):
    self.weight = torch.randn((fan_in, fan_out)) / fan_in**0.5 # note: kaiming init
    self.bias = torch.zeros(fan_out) if bias else None
  def __call__(self, x):
    self.out = x @ self.weight
    if self.bias is not None:
      self.out += self.bias
    return self.out
  def parameters(self):
    return [self.weight] + ([] if self.bias is None else [self.bias])

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BatchNorm1d:
  def __init__(self, dim, eps=1e-5, momentum=0.1):
    self.eps = eps
    self.momentum = momentum
    self.training = True
    # parameters (trained with backprop)
    self.gamma = torch.ones(dim)
    self.beta = torch.zeros(dim)
    # buffers (trained with a running 'momentum update')
    self.running_mean = torch.zeros(dim)
    self.running_var = torch.ones(dim)
  def __call__(self, x):
    # calculate the forward pass
    if self.training:
      if x.ndim == 2:
        dim = 0
      elif x.ndim == 3:
        dim = (0,1)
      xmean = x.mean(dim, keepdim=True) # batch mean
      xvar = x.var(dim, keepdim=True) # batch variance
      xmean = self.running_mean
      xvar = self.running_var
    xhat = (x - xmean) / torch.sqrt(xvar + self.eps) # normalize to unit variance
    self.out = self.gamma * xhat + self.beta
    # update the buffers
    if self.training:
      with torch.no_grad():
        self.running_mean = (1 - self.momentum) * self.running_mean + self.momentum * xmean
        self.running_var = (1 - self.momentum) * self.running_var + self.momentum * xvar
    return self.out
  def parameters(self):
    return [self.gamma, self.beta]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Tanh:
  def __call__(self, x):
    self.out = torch.tanh(x)
    return self.out
  def parameters(self):
    return []

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Embedding:
  def __init__(self, num_embeddings, embedding_dim):
    self.weight = torch.randn((num_embeddings, embedding_dim))
  def __call__(self, IX):
    self.out = self.weight[IX]
    return self.out
  def parameters(self):
    return [self.weight]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class FlattenConsecutive:
  def __init__(self, n):
    self.n = n
  def __call__(self, x):
    B, T, C = x.shape
    x = x.view(B, T//self.n, C*self.n)
    if x.shape[1] == 1:
      x = x.squeeze(1)
    self.out = x
    return self.out
  def parameters(self):
    return []

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Sequential:
  def __init__(self, layers):
    self.layers = layers
  def __call__(self, x):
    for layer in self.layers:
      x = layer(x)
    self.out = x
    return self.out
  def parameters(self):
    # get parameters of all layers and stretch them out into one list
    return [p for layer in self.layers for p in layer.parameters()]
In [8]:
torch.manual_seed(42); # seed rng for reproducibility
In [9]:
# original network
# n_embd = 10 # the dimensionality of the character embedding vectors
# n_hidden = 300 # the number of neurons in the hidden layer of the MLP
# model = Sequential([
#   Embedding(vocab_size, n_embd),
#   FlattenConsecutive(8), Linear(n_embd * 8, n_hidden, bias=False), BatchNorm1d(n_hidden), Tanh(),
#   Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size),
# ])

# hierarchical network
n_embd = 24 # the dimensionality of the character embedding vectors
n_hidden = 128 # the number of neurons in the hidden layer of the MLP
model = Sequential([
  Embedding(vocab_size, n_embd),
  FlattenConsecutive(2), Linear(n_embd * 2, n_hidden, bias=False), BatchNorm1d(n_hidden), Tanh(),
  FlattenConsecutive(2), Linear(n_hidden*2, n_hidden, bias=False), BatchNorm1d(n_hidden), Tanh(),
  FlattenConsecutive(2), Linear(n_hidden*2, n_hidden, bias=False), BatchNorm1d(n_hidden), Tanh(),
  Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size),

# parameter init
with torch.no_grad():
  model.layers[-1].weight *= 0.1 # last layer make less confident

parameters = model.parameters()
print(sum(p.nelement() for p in parameters)) # number of parameters in total
for p in parameters:
  p.requires_grad = True
In [10]:
# same optimization as last time
max_steps = 200000
batch_size = 32
lossi = []

for i in range(max_steps):
  # minibatch construct
  ix = torch.randint(0, Xtr.shape[0], (batch_size,))
  Xb, Yb = Xtr[ix], Ytr[ix] # batch X,Y
  # forward pass
  logits = model(Xb)
  loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, Yb) # loss function
  # backward pass
  for p in parameters:
    p.grad = None
  # update: simple SGD
  lr = 0.1 if i < 150000 else 0.01 # step learning rate decay
  for p in parameters:
    p.data += -lr * p.grad

  # track stats
  if i % 10000 == 0: # print every once in a while
    print(f'{i:7d}/{max_steps:7d}: {loss.item():.4f}')
      0/ 200000: 3.3167
  10000/ 200000: 2.0576
  20000/ 200000: 2.0723
  30000/ 200000: 2.5134
  40000/ 200000: 2.1476
  50000/ 200000: 1.7836
  60000/ 200000: 2.2592
  70000/ 200000: 1.9331
  80000/ 200000: 1.6875
  90000/ 200000: 2.0395
 100000/ 200000: 1.7736
 110000/ 200000: 1.9570
 120000/ 200000: 1.7465
 130000/ 200000: 1.8126
 140000/ 200000: 1.7406
 150000/ 200000: 1.7466
 160000/ 200000: 1.8806
 170000/ 200000: 1.6266
 180000/ 200000: 1.6476
 190000/ 200000: 1.8555
In [11]:
plt.plot(torch.tensor(lossi).view(-1, 1000).mean(1))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fb5a03e3b50>]
In [12]:
# put layers into eval mode (needed for batchnorm especially)
for layer in model.layers:
  layer.training = False
In [13]:
# evaluate the loss
@torch.no_grad() # this decorator disables gradient tracking inside pytorch
def split_loss(split):
  x,y = {
    'train': (Xtr, Ytr),
    'val': (Xdev, Ydev),
    'test': (Xte, Yte),
  logits = model(x)
  loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, y)
  print(split, loss.item())

train 1.7690284252166748
val 1.9936515092849731

performance log

  • original (3 character context + 200 hidden neurons, 12K params): train 2.058, val 2.105
  • context: 3 -> 8 (22K params): train 1.918, val 2.027
  • flat -> hierarchical (22K params): train 1.941, val 2.029
  • fix bug in batchnorm: train 1.912, val 2.022
  • scale up the network: n_embd 24, n_hidden 128 (76K params): train 1.769, val 1.993
In [14]:
# sample from the model
for _ in range(20):
    out = []
    context = [0] * block_size # initialize with all ...
    while True:
      # forward pass the neural net
      logits = model(torch.tensor([context]))
      probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=1)
      # sample from the distribution
      ix = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1).item()
      # shift the context window and track the samples
      context = context[1:] + [ix]
      # if we sample the special '.' token, break
      if ix == 0:
    print(''.join(itos[i] for i in out)) # decode and print the generated word

Next time:

Why convolutions? Brief preview/hint

In [15]:
for x,y in zip(Xtr[7:15], Ytr[7:15]):
  print(''.join(itos[ix.item()] for ix in x), '-->', itos[y.item()])
........ --> d
.......d --> i
......di --> o
.....dio --> n
....dion --> d
...diond --> r
..diondr --> e
.diondre --> .
In [16]:
# forward a single example:
logits = model(Xtr[[7]])
torch.Size([1, 27])
In [17]:
# forward all of them
logits = torch.zeros(8, 27)
for i in range(8):
  logits[i] = model(Xtr[[7+i]])
torch.Size([8, 27])
In [18]:
# convolution is a "for loop"
# allows us to forward Linear layers efficiently over space

Posted In:

Software Developer always striving to be better. Learn from others' mistakes, learn by doing, fail fast, maximize productivity, and really think hard about good defaults. Computer developers have the power to add an entire infinite dimension with a single Int (or maybe BigInt). The least we can do with that power is be creative.