Last week, I wrote about Engineering a Short Squeeze. The moral of that article is that the squeeze worsens if people attempt to capitalise on their Short Positions with the mentality that “Sell High Buy Low” during the actual squeeze. Well, according to this guy Yes, #Tesla $TSLA, with short interest of $14.468 billion, leapfrogged […]
Blog Posts
TSLA Could be a 5X Rally – It’s done it before.
The day was March 22 2013. Tesla was trading at $36.62/share. September 27th 2013, Tesla was trading at $190.90/share. In just over 6 months, Tesla climbed 518%. In 2019, Tesla dipped to $178.97/share in May. 6 months later they were at $352.22/share and this was not even a new high. Today Tesla hit $542.52/share which […]
FSD Redundancy
The Tesla Autonomy Day left me a little bit perplexed. Here Elon says: “The general principle here is that any part of this could fail and the car will keep driving. So you could have cameras fail, you could have power circuits fail, you could have one of the Tesla FSD computer chips fail and […]
Why is MySQL with JSON Support “Fucking Tight”?
Earlier this month, I wrote about MySQL with JSON support being “fucking tight”. This might be the first time I can recall quoting myself, but fair warning… I kind of like it. Allow me to elaborate. When you process form data through HTTP’s POST protocol for example, to get it into a MySQL database previously, […]
Engineering a TSLA Short Squeeze
I actually did read Jim Cramers Mad Money book. One of the few books I have read. Doesn’t make me an expert, but he described how he himself was short squeezed and since it is way worse than everybody is talking about for TSLA, I feel like it is a good thing to write about […]
Tesla Fan Insights
I like this YouTuber Greg Crossfield. He will have many many more than 4.18K subscribers in the next 2 years.
Redoing the Dishwasher
Not my dishwasher. All dishwashers. Current options: Litres of Water used Dishes clean Rate Size Cost/year Manual wash 15L – 18L 1 – 10/min w: 12″ – 32″l: 12″ – 24″h: 6″ – 16″ $8200 (@$15/hr) Dish Washing Machine 15L – 20L 1.66/min w: 18″ – 24″l: 24″h: 35″ $150 (energy) + $100 equipment/service The […]