Sam Alexander is doing an excellent job translating Hindenburg claims and media coverage to useful and engaging YouTube content.
Blog Posts
GM & Nikola Wont Work
This is just my opinion. Not to be confused with financial advice. I give GM a very high probability of being able to successfully produce the Nikola Badger. I would say over 95% likely they are capable. For this article, we can assume that is 100%. The Nikola Badger H2/BEV still wont work. It relies […]
You shouldn’t doubt your vibe. But if it is telling you to lie, then doubt that vibe and get cleaner vibe.
Messing around with a guitar, a mic and Audacity. I left the part in where I messed up because that part never told me to lie. So I am not going to doubt leaving in that vibe. I call this song: You shouldn’t doubt your vibe. But if it is telling you to lie, then […]
To Hydrogen Filling Station or Not Hydrogen Filling Station? That is the question!
How is Nikola’s progress going on clean hydrogen?
Nikola to the SEC
All information in this article is for entertainment purposes only. I am short Nikola. This is not investment advice. By going to the SEC before the SEC comes to you, you can say, “hey SEC, I need help with this.”. But more importantly you can stake (or state) the claim that “we approached the SEC, […]
If I were the S&P 500
We see a lot of bull and bears discuss what is good and what is bad. The bull thesis being, Tesla will be included. The bear hope thesis that Tesla will be excluded. But what about the S&P? What is good for the S&P? As the S&P, I want to get Tesla for very low […]
Drawing a Graph
Taken from: var F = function(x) { return Math.pow(90 *x, 1.5) ; } ; var G = function(x) { return Math.pow(12* x, 2.1) ; } ; var H = function(x) { return Math.pow(10 * x, 2.2) ; } ; var I = function(x) { return Math.pow(45*(0.4*x), 2) ; } ; Draw CANVAS NOT SUPPORTED […]
New Develevation Comment Section enabled by Twitter Project
The great thing about first principles is that it gives you the freedom to step back and say: Now how do I really want this to work? I want to incorporate into my blogs some sort of comment-ability. I also want this to post to Twitter with a direct call to action. I don’t see […]
Next Successful EV
If you look at the advantages Tesla has over other companies: Vertical Integration Charging Network FSD Hardware FSD Software OS Body Casting/Wiring + other patents Insurance business Data (miles on autopilot) Exponential Growth Rate Factory Design Battery Technology Engineering/Other Top talent Service Centres Mobile Service Sentry Mode/Fart Mode/*Mode* Purchase via website Social Media Following Brand […]