This song is dedicated to Shawn Gervais who also supplied vocals. Your browser does not support the audio element.
Music Blog Posts
Your browser does not support the audio element. Phantom Klowns Duck Song Tetris Pink Panther
Optimizing Music Video Creation
Music videos tell a story through art. Whether it is the lyrics themselves or the visual imagery, humans can connect with music videos emotionally. First Principles Problem A music video is a sequence of frames synchronized to some minutes and seconds of audio. Assuming a music video could be instantly created by a nerual net, […]
You shouldn’t doubt your vibe. But if it is telling you to lie, then doubt that vibe and get cleaner vibe.
Messing around with a guitar, a mic and Audacity. I left the part in where I messed up because that part never told me to lie. So I am not going to doubt leaving in that vibe. I call this song: You shouldn’t doubt your vibe. But if it is telling you to lie, then […]